11/28/23 | PA 235 | SB 271 | 90 No | Mandate all energy be from renewable sources by 2035 |
11/28/23 | PA 234 | HB 5121 | 50 No | Allow state energy bureaucrats to override local zoning restrictions on wind and solar |
11/28/23 | PA 233 | HB 5120 | 50 No | Allow state energy bureaucrats to override local zoning restrictions on wind and solar |
11/28/23 | PA 232 | SB 519 | 20 No | New law to create a "community and worker economic transition office" |
11/28/23 | PA 231 | SB 502 | 20 No | Mandate "equitable" access to wastewater utilities |
11/28/23 | PA 229 | SB 273 | 90 No | Mandate all energy be from renewable sources by 2035 |
11/22/23 | PA 227 | SB 573 | -10 Yes | Reduce maximum precinct size from 5000 voters to 4999 voters |
11/22/23 | PA 226 | SB 572 | -10 Yes | Reduce maximum precinct size from 5000 voters to 4999 voters |
11/22/23 | PA 225 | SB 396 | 30 No | Lower standard for teacher certification |
11/22/23 | PA 224 | SB 395 | 30 No | Lower standard for teacher evaluation |
11/22/23 | PA 222 | SB 105 | 10 No | Impose licensure on hunting and fishing guides |
11/22/23 | PA 221 | SB 104 | 10 No | Impose licensure on hunting and fishing guides |
11/22/23 | PA 220 | SB 103 | 10 No | Impose licensure on hunting and fishing guides |
11/22/23 | PA 217 | HB 4515 | 10 No | Make permanent a once-expiring off-road vehicle fee |
11/22/23 | PA 215 | HB 4457 | -20 Yes | Create "Juneteenth" taxpayer-funded state employee vacation day |
11/22/23 | PA 207 | SB 477 | 50 No | Allow pregnant student services provide abortion referrals |
11/22/23 | PA 206 | SB 476 | 80 No | Legalize late-term abortion |
11/22/23 | PA 205 | HB 4956 | 80 No | Legalize late-term abortion |
11/20/23 | PA 201 | SB 471 | 80 No | Ban firearms from people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence |
11/20/23 | PA 200 | HB 4945 | 80 No | Ban firearms from people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence |
11/20/23 | PA 199 | SB 528 | 10 No | Prescribe additional misdemeanor penalties if the perpetrator was dating, living with, or married to the victim |
11/07/23 | PA 197 | SB 510 | 10 No | Allow department to grant an additional extension for a temporary grain dealer permit |
11/07/23 | PA 196 | SB 508 | 10 No | Limit farm produce insurance board member's mileage reimbursement |
11/07/23 | PA 195 | SB 507 | 20 No | Expand city income taxes |
11/07/23 | PA 194 | SB 506 | 20 No | Increase food service establishment fees |
11/07/23 | PA 193 | SB 470 | 10 No | Allow uniformed services voters to vote electronically earlier |
11/07/23 | PA 192 | SB 384 | -10 Yes | Ban denying or limiting insurance to organ donors |
11/07/23 | PA 191 | SB 55 | -10 Yes | Expand a certain tax exemption |
11/07/23 | PA 190 | HB 4998 | 10 No | Allow government to delay grain dealer licenses by 30 more days |
11/07/23 | PA 186 | HB 4573 | 20 No | Extend sunset on special interest subsidy for jobs training program |
11/07/23 | PA 185 | HB 4568 | 20 No | Allow companies to drive voters to the polls |
11/07/23 | PA 184 | HB 4567 | 10 No | Update reference because no-ID absentee ballots are no longer presumptively challenged |
11/07/23 | PA 181 | HB 4376 | -10 Yes | Impose new limitations on how insurances agents can hold premiums |
11/06/23 | PA 180 | HB 4420 | 10 No | Allow law enforcement to give victims' info to survivor programs without their consent |
11/06/23 | PA 179 | HB 4421 | -10 Yes | Allow accusers' faces be blurred in court video proceedings |
11/06/23 | PA 177 | HB 4422 | 10 No | Expand definition of "serious misdemeanor" |
12/23/24 | PA 173 | SB 40 | 4 No | Extend unemployment benefits another 6 weeks to 26 |
10/24/23 | PA 173 | SB 88 | -10 Yes | Require filtration systems in child care centers |
10/19/23 | PA 163 | SB 358 | 10 No | Mandate insurance coverage be pegged to a certain percentage of "full actuarial value" of benefits |
10/19/23 | PA 162 | SB 357 | 10 No | Prohibit insurers from rescinding health coverage |
10/19/23 | PA 161 | SB 356 | 10 No | Replace statutory requirement on summary of benefits statements to administrative rule |
10/19/23 | PA 160 | HB 4623 | 20 No | Prohibit health insurance that does not offer certain "minimum" coverage |
10/19/23 | PA 159 | HB 4622 | 20 No | Prohibit health insurers from offering plans with lifetime or annual dollar limits |
10/19/23 | PA 158 | HB 4621 | 20 No | Mandate insurers cover dependents up to age 26 at request of policyholder |
10/19/23 | PA 157 | HB 4620 | -20 Yes | Ban insurers from denying coverage based on preexisting conditions |
10/19/23 | PA 156 | HB 4619 | 20 No | Ban insurers from discriminating based on "sexual orientation or gender identity" |
10/19/23 | PA 154 | HB 4341 | -10 Yes | Require filtration systems in child care centers |
10/10/23 | PA 149 | HB 4353 | 10 No | Allow creation of HOV lane restrictions |
10/10/23 | PA 148 | HB 4352 | 10 No | Allow creation of HOV lane restrictions |
10/10/23 | PA 147 | HB 4752 | -10 Yes | Expand "retired" school employees earning both a wage and a pension concurrently |
10/03/23 | PA 144 | HB 4357 | 10 No | Allow teachers unions to bargain against third party support services |
10/03/23 | PA 143 | HB 4356 | 10 No | Allow teachers unions to bargain against third party support services |
09/29/23 | PA 137 | HB 5003 | 10 No | Eliminate sunset on psychiatric hospital licensing fees |
09/29/23 | PA 136 | HB 5000 | -10 Yes | Eliminate sunset on fingerprint and criminal record check fees |
09/29/23 | PA 135 | HB 4997 | 10 No | Increase business corporation fees |
09/29/23 | PA 134 | HB 4996 | 10 No | Increase nonprofit corporation fees |
09/29/23 | PA 133 | HB 4995 | 10 No | Increase LLC statement fees |
09/29/23 | PA 132 | HB 4994 | 10 No | Increase fees under uniform securities act |
09/29/23 | PA 131 | HB 4993 | 10 No | Eliminate sunset on architect, engineer, and surveyor licensing fees |
09/29/23 | PA 130 | HB 4991 | 10 No | Increase commercial look-up service fees |
09/29/23 | PA 129 | HB 4990 | 10 No | Eliminate sunset on vehicle registration tax |
09/29/23 | PA 128 | HB 4988 | 10 No | Eliminate sunset on livestock licensing fees |
09/12/23 | PA 120 | HB 4829 | -20 Yes | Extend a corporate welfare subsidy timeline by three more years |
07/31/23 | PA 119 | HB 4437 | 20 No | Omnibus annual budget (everything except education) |
07/26/23 | PA 118 | HB 4617 | 30 No | Ban "conversion therapy" |
07/26/23 | PA 117 | HB 4616 | 30 No | Ban "conversion therapy" |
07/26/23 | PA 116 | HB 4820 | 50 No | Allow school districts put seniority over effectiveness in hiring and firing |
07/26/23 | PA 115 | HB 4354 | 50 No | Allow teachers unions to bargain to keep bad teachers |
07/26/23 | PA 114 | HB 4233 | 50 No | Allow union bosses to extract dues from employees |
07/26/23 | PA 113 | HB 4044 | 90 No | Repeal Right to Work |
07/26/23 | PA 112 | SB 359 | 30 No | Eliminate job performance-based compensation for teachers and school administrators and impose mandate on charter schools |
07/26/23 | PA 109 | HB 4318 | -20 Yes | New law to create Payment in Lieu of Taxes for "solar energy districts" |
07/26/23 | PA 108 | HB 4317 | -20 Yes | New law to create Payment in Lieu of Taxes for "solar energy districts" |
07/26/23 | PA 107 | SB 303 | 30 No | Expand clean energy subsidies |
07/26/23 | PA 106 | SB 302 | 10 No | Require buildings exceed energy code requirements to qualify as new construction energy project |
07/26/23 | PA 105 | SB 288 | -20 Yes | Make temporary Michigan energy assistance program permanent |
07/26/23 | PA 104 | SB 14 | 20 No | Allow state to impose more strict energy rules than the feds do |
07/20/23 | PA 103 | SB 173 | -30 Yes | K-12 "School Aid" annual budget |
07/18/23 | PA 100 | HB 4362 | -10 Yes | Allow people to opt-in to donate organs when filing taxes |
07/18/23 | PA 90 | SB 129 | 30 No | Expand brownfield taxpayer subsidy deal to include subsidized housing |
07/18/23 | PA 89 | SB 289 | 30 No | Expand corporate welfare special interest deal |
07/18/23 | PA 88 | HB 4702 | -30 Yes | Increase precinct size from less than 3,000 voters to 5,000 |
07/18/23 | PA 87 | SB 373 | 30 No | Allow easily faked IDs (student IDs, etc.) be used for voting ID |
07/18/23 | PA 86 | HB 4699 | -20 Yes | Implement permanent no-reason absentee voting |
07/18/23 | PA 85 | HB 4697 | -30 Yes | Mandate ballot drop boxes |
07/18/23 | PA 84 | SB 339 | 10 No | Create absentee ballot electronic tracking system |
07/18/23 | PA 82 | SB 370 | 50 No | Rewrite rules on absentee ballots |
07/18/23 | PA 81 | SB 367 | 50 No | Implement early voting |
07/11/23 | PA 80 | HB 4454 | 30 No | Revise details of "business improvement zone" welfare districts |
07/11/23 | PA 64 | SB 73 | -10 Yes | Protect anonymity of accuser in sexual assault accusations |
07/11/23 | PA 57 | SB 66 | -10 Yes | Require materials in schools on sexual assault and harassment |
07/11/23 | PA 54 | SB 50 | -20 Yes | Designate "Juneteenth" |
07/11/23 | PA 53 | SB 35 | 15 No | Eliminate asset test for food stamps |
06/29/23 | PA 52 | HB 4375 | 20 No | Allow more casinos |
06/15/23 | PA 45 | SB 90 | -20 Yes | Make hair style a civil right |
06/13/23 | PA 44 | SB 32 | -10 Yes | Require cops pay for training if they leave within 3 years |
06/07/23 | PA 41 | HB 4250 | 10 No | Increase penalties for texting while driving |
06/07/23 | PA 40 | HB 4252 | 10 No | Increase penalties for texting while driving |
06/07/23 | PA 39 | HB 4251 | 10 No | Increase penalties for texting while driving |
05/22/23 | PA 38 | SB 83 | 90 No | RED FLAG LAW |
05/22/23 | PA 37 | HB 4146 | 90 No | Red Flag Law |
05/22/23 | PA 36 | HB 4148 | 90 No | Red Flag Law |
05/22/23 | PA 35 | HB 4147 | 90 No | Red Flag Law |
04/02/24 | PA 33 | HB 4012 | -2 No | Increase speed limits |
05/17/23 | PA 31 | SB 147 | 60 No | Make abortion a civil right, requiring employers to pay for procedures |
04/26/23 | PA 22 | HB 4143 | 70 No | Universal Gun Registration |
04/26/23 | PA 21 | HB 4253 | -10 Yes | Exempt delivery and installation from sales tax |
04/26/23 | PA 20 | HB 4039 | -10 Yes | Exempt delivery and installation from sales tax in certain cases |
04/13/23 | PA 19 | HB 4138 | 70 No | Universal Gun Registration |
04/13/23 | PA 18 | HB 4142 | 70 No | Universal Gun Registration |
04/13/23 | PA 17 | SB 79 | 30 No | Lock Up Your Safety law |
04/13/23 | PA 16 | SB 80 | 30 No | Lock Up Your Safety law |
04/05/23 | PA 13 | HB 4032 | 50 No | Legalize abortion |
04/05/23 | PA 12 | SB 2 | 50 No | Legalize abortion |
04/05/23 | PA 11 | HB 4006 | 50 No | Legalize abortion |
03/24/23 | PA 10 | HB 4007 | 70 No | Mandate prevailing wage |
03/24/23 | PA 9 | HB 4004 | 90 No | Repeal Right to Work |
03/24/23 | PA 8 | SB 34 | 90 No | Repeal Right to Work |
03/16/23 | PA 6 | SB 4 | 70 No | Create sexual orientation civil right |
03/08/23 | PA 5 | HB 4016 | 30 No | More department money for current and past fiscal year |
03/07/23 | PA 4 | HB 4001 | 60 No | Create pension tax deduction for govt employees, spend a billion dollars, block tax cut |
02/14/23 | PA 3 | SB 8 | 10 No | Appropriate 27.9 million in federal school grants |
02/01/23 | PA 2 | SB 13 | 30 No | Make presidential primary earlier |
01/31/23 | PA 1 | SB 7 | 30 No | Spend another 1.1 billion |
Total Score: 2787 / 3651 (76%) |